What does a courageous practice look like? A Q-and-A with Enid Lee
Enid Lee is the keynote speaker at the University of Calgary’s Conference for Post-secondary Learning and Teaching. In a Q&A, she shares insights into her upcoming presentation.
Board Book Our Skin Useful for Parent Discussions About Race
To prepare parents to discuss racism in the United States with their children, Dr. Enid Lee recommends the board book Our Skin: A First Conversation About Race by Megan Madison, Jessica Ralli, and Isabel Roxas.
Taking Multicultural, Anti-Racist Education Seriously
Amid a right-wing assault on anti-racist education, Rethinking Schools republished one of its most-read articles, this interview with Enid Lee.
Enid Lee featured in Western University Alumni Magazine
Enid was invited by her Alma Mater, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada to participate in a conversation about race, equity and the quest for systemic change for the fall issue of the Alumni Magazine.
Enid Lee Presenting Workshop at the WTU 2020 Shared Vision Conference
Enid Lee will be presenting a workshop at the WTU 2020 Shared Vision Conference. As one of the DCPS teachers who participated in the Making Equity Work in Schools workshops, she has presented on behalf of the WTU over the past year and a half. Please join her on Saturday, February, 29 at the Shared Vision Conference.