Equity Tool
Checking & Changing My Systems For Equity
Reclaiming Language! Reclaiming Life! Critical Reflections of an Anti-racist Educator’s Lived Experiences
Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, Summer 2020
Making Equity Explicit: A Professional Development Model for New Teacher Mentors
Mentors in the Making, 2006
What do you mean when you say "teaching beyond the standards?" (Part 2)
Questions to Enid Lee - Mining the Gold, March, 2004
What do you mean when you say "teaching beyond the standards?" (Part 1)
Questions to Enid Lee - Mining the Gold, February, 2004
How can I find time in the day to do all this cultural stuff?
Questions to Enid Lee - Mining the Gold, December, 2003
How can I teach students who come from a culture different from my own and of which I have little knowledge?
Questions to Enid Lee - Mining the Gold, November, 2003
Why is cultural understanding so important?
Questions to Enid Lee - Mining the Gold, October, 2003
Coaching for Equity
New Teacher Center - Reflections, Spring, 2002
Anti-Racist Education: Pulling Together to Close the Gaps
First published in Beyond Heroes and Holidays, February, 1999
Taking Multicultural, Anti-Racist Education Seriously
First published in Rethinking Our Classrooms: Teaching for Equity and Justice, July, 1994
Enid Lee is the author of over 30 publications. They include Letters to Marcia: A teacher’s guide to anti-racist education, the docudramas, “Quick to Judge” and “Food for Thought” from the television series, “Many Voices,” and Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development. She also contributed to many other books including Rethinking our Classrooms and Mentors in the Making.
Letters to Marcia by Enid Lee
Rethinking our Classrooms, Vol 1
Beyond Heroes and Holidays
Mentors in the Making
Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education
Rethinking Multicultural Education
View articles about Enid Lee throughout the years.
Speaking Truth, Wester University Alumni Gazette / September, 2021
Queen's honors educator Lee / November 29, 2001
Enid Lee on the cover of Share, Canada's largest ethnic newspaper / November 29, 2001
Going beyond simple solutions: Author helps teachers rethink their approach to diversity / Daily Herald / April 10, 2001
Enid Lee: A woman of letters / April 23, 1993
Western Cooperates with Aniqua on Matters of Health and Education / UWO News / September 21, 1972
See a timeline of Enid’s 35 years in Anti-Racist education below.